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The Disruptive Voice explores the theories of disruptive innovation across a broad set of industries and circumstances with academics, researchers, and practitioners who have been inspired and taught by Harvard Business School Professor Clayton M. Christensen, the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration and one of the world’s top experts on growth and innovation. 

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BSSE = Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise, Professor Clayton M. Christensen's signature course at the Harvard Business School and a breeding ground for many of the ideas shared in this podcast.

Apr 30, 2020

Twenty years ago, Mark W. Johnson and Clayton Christensen co-founded Innosight, a consulting firm focused on helping organizations to design and create the future, rather than be disrupted by it. This week on The Disruptive Voice, we’re pleased to welcome Mark for some reflections on his work and friendship with Clay; on a process of longer-term management called future-back thinking, which he and co-author Josh Suskewicz explore in their newly-released book, Lead From The Future: How To Turn Visionary Thinking Into Breakthrough Growth; and on ways in which senior leaders can apply these methods in organizations that struggle to look beyond the 3-5 year growth horizon. Hosted by Katie Zandbergen, Mark also shares insights about the distinction between vision and strategy, the story of Apple’s transformation from a computer company to a lifestyle company, and how we can think about applying the lessons from Lead From The Future in our current moment of crisis.