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The Disruptive Voice explores the theories of disruptive innovation across a broad set of industries and circumstances with academics, researchers, and practitioners who have been inspired and taught by Harvard Business School Professor Clayton M. Christensen, the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration and one of the world’s top experts on growth and innovation. 

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BSSE = Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise, Professor Clayton M. Christensen's signature course at the Harvard Business School and a breeding ground for many of the ideas shared in this podcast.

Apr 5, 2016

Nigerian law mandates that students must attend school for nine years, but almost one out of every three primary age children is out of school, and roughly one out of four junior secondary age children is out of school. The reasons for this range widely — from economic reasons (though education is free, books/uniforms are not; families often need child labor) to supply issues (schools are prohibitively far; often inadequately staffed) — but the effect is the same: in the language of disruption theory, over 10M primary and secondary students are left as nonconsumers of education.

Michael B. Horn, education expert, long-time collaborator with Clay Christensen (and, full disclosure: my husband) joins Efosa Ojomo and I in this episode of The Disruptive Voice to frame this mass nonconsumption of education as an opportunity to innovate a legacy, educational system to better serve the needs of all Nigerians in today’s day and age.